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We all know self belief and confidence is important and a major factor in the type of life we create and what we can achieve. On the sports field, the way you feel about yourself and your abilities can hugely influence your performance. Lack on self-belief and little confidence in your ability to perform/ execute certain skills will often lead an athlete to “play it safe” instead of stepping outside of their comfort zone and taking certain risks.

Taking these risks often sets the great athletes apart from the average athletes as they are willing to step out of their comfort zone and risk making a mistake. These risks do not always pay off, but sometimes they are all the difference between a win and a defeat.

Confidence plays a huge role on the sports field and any athlete knows that sport is a huge mental game, as well as physical. It is impossible to achieve your goals and reach peak performance if you have little belief in your ability to do so.

Self-Confidence is a nice feeling and most of us would want more of it if we could.

Like all of our emotional reactions, confidence starts in the subconscious mind and bubbles or explodes into our consciousness depending on the situation we are in.

This all starts with your core beliefs deep in your subconscious mind.

Below are the 7 most powerful core beliefs to increase your confidence.

Test yourself on these core subconscious belief statements.

     0   ——————————————————————————————————————————- 100%

         On a scale of 0 – 100% how much do you believe these core beliefs about confidence deep down ?

  1. It is Safe for me to Be Confident.

2. I Deserve to Be Confident.

3. All Parts of Me, Are, Ready, Willing and Able to be Confident.

4. It is Easy for Me to Be Confident and Self-Assured.

5. It is Natural for Me to Be Confident and Self-Assured.

6. It is in My Best and Highest Good to Be Confident and Self-Assured.

7. I Love Myself Enough to Be Confident and Self-Assured.

Whilst confidence is often context specific, these core beliefs underpin your ability to develop confidence in all situations.

If you have not scored yourself close to 100% on each of these then there is a part of you going the opposite way to where you want to go ! There is limitation in your mind that negatively impacts your ability to perform at your absolute best on the sports field, during competitions and practice and even in every day life. Its all starts and stops with self-belief and confidence.

Integrating these deeply into your subconscious mind makes a huge difference to your day to day feel good and what you can achieve.

Let me show you how to optimise your mindset & increase self-belief, confidence and performance in the FREE Masterclass found on my home page!