Biohacking is a term that is being used with increasing regularity. People are looking for new ways to upgrade themselves, upgrade their bodies, to reach new potentials and to increase their performance. With conventional medicine being such a controversial topic these days, more people are willing to explore the alternatives and new sciences that are being developed.
Biohacking has become one of the biggest trends lately, and today I’m going to break down what exactly it is and how it compares to Dr Chris Walton’s Gamma Mindset Method used in creating Peak Performance.
What Is Biohacking?
According to Dave Asprey, biohacking is “the ability to change the environment outside of you and inside of you so you have full control of your biology, to allow you to upgrade your body, mind, and your life.”
Basically, the goal is to be stronger, faster, smarter and to ultimately become “superhuman”. This is done by all sorts of methods, such as supplementation, bathing in infrared light, cryotherapy, having stem cells injected, doing meditation and much, much more.
Some biohackers only explore the more milder forms of biohacking, such as taking nootropics, changing parts of their lifestyle with intermittent fasting or buying wearable devices. Other biohackers take it to the extreme, like implanting devices like computer chips in their bodies or getting blood transfusions of a young person’s blood in order to “fight ageing”.
All it boils down to is the desire to feel better and to see how far one can push the human body. More and more people want to change, become better, smarter and to be the elite athletes they have always dreamed of.
So, then, what is The Gamma Mindset?
With over 30 years of research & exploration, Chris has created a cutting edge system to optimise the mind & body to maximise energy, performance & success. Using the science of quantum medicine allows for the most precise testing of all your body to find exactly what your body needs to achieve peak performance.
Chris uses a method that is non-invasive, with no adverse effects. Quantum medicine uses knowledge from both East & Western medicine, quantum physics, biophysics & electronics. It keeps the body in a state of balance as well as restoring it.
As each individual is approached as an individual, there is no “one-size-fits-all” outlook to this method. Everything is entirely personalised. Using the Biophotonic Signal Enhancer, each individual organ is tested. The signal enhancer allows one to see the biophotons which are emitted from every cell in your body but which are in fact, not visible to the naked eye.
Using this device, one is able to see whether the light emitted from each organ is emitted coherent light or incoherent light. The coherent light the end goal, however the incoherent light is indicative of disease, stress or illness that is manifesting and this allows us to pinpoint exactly where one should focus treatment.
Our beliefs and perceptions are the basis for our thoughts and feelings. Our thoughts and feelings are waves of electromagnetic energy and information that permeate each and every cell in our mind-body system via this connective tissue crystalline matrix. These signals of our bodies work in a feedback loop with our brains, and both consciously and subconsciously govern our choices. Our choices, of course, drastically influence the condition of our lives.
The Gamma Mindset therefore increases self-belief, confidence & performance by testing, finding & clearing any subconscious limiting beliefs & blocks in your mind & reprogramming your subconscious mind with your specific goals takes your performance to a whole other level.
What can you “hack” with each method?
– Your mind, with supplementation, toxin elimination, meditation
– Your senses, gratitude, discipline, intention
– The food you eat by eating high fat & low carb
– Your Hormones by taking hormone supplementation, collagen & herbal adaptogens
– Rapidly eliminate any anxiety, fear & self-doubt
– Create world champion self-belief & confidence
– Clear limiting beliefs about goal achievement & success
– Clear limiting beliefs & blocks to making more money
– Re-Program your subconscious mind to max your personal success
– Create the Peak Brain State for Optimal functioning in just 60-90 seconds
– Create rapid & profound changes to your mindset
– Switch off your stress response
– Create more energy, focus & intuition
– Find solutions to your problems
– Make more money, maximise our career/ business success & be the best version of you
So why choose The Gamma Mindset Method?
Let’s be honest, not everyone can afford the myriad of supplementation that biohackers set out for you. Not everyone enjoys the same diet that is set out for someone else and these “upgrades” are hardly ever personalised and tailored to each individual person.
It is not within everyone’s budget to spend thousands of dollars on extreme alternatives which may or may not have any significant effect on your body or mind. There is still a ton of speculation within most of these methods and whether they work, however The Gamma Mindset has been scientifically proven.
Chris tailors every protocol to each individual. He has spent years researching, testing and witnessing the changes & improvements using this method. His clients have incredible testimonials and his works are backed up by scientific evidence.
The incredible accuracy that Chris is able to provide his clients within his testing phase, gives athletes the unparalleled insight into their own bodies and minds. They walk away with knowledge on what is subconsciously blocking them from change, which organs in their body are manifesting an illness or dis-ease, what foods are draining their body of energy and which parts of their body need more focus.
He is able to pick up any illness before it fully presents itself, pin point where there is weakness within the body that can lead to injury and of course, find out whether your subconscious goals are in alignment with your conscious goals.
This fascinating amount of knowledge that one person can provide you, gives you the unbelievable power to increase your Peak Performance. Without all the invasive techniques, without a plethora of supplementation and diets that do not work, Chris is able to provide an incredible advantage to completely change your life.
So, why wait?
There is no time like now to start making the changes towards self-improvement, peak performance and a better you!
Sign up to one of Dr Chris Walton PhD’s Masterclass’ and get the ball rolling.
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