Doctor Peak Performance is known for using Quantum Medicine Precision Testing & personalised protocols to optimise your mind & body for peak performance… but how precise is this testing? What even is Quantum Medicine?
Let’s investigate, shall we?
What is Quantum Medicine?
Quantum medicine is a new, non-invasive, painless branch of medicine used to diagnose & treat diseases in all areas of medicine, without adverse effects.
Quantum medicine uses knowledge from both East & Western medicine, quantum physics, biophysics & electronics & is a type of holistic medicine which keeps the body in a state of balance as well as restoring it.
Each individual is approached as exactly that, an individual. There are no side effects and the individual is treated as a whole and not as a diagnosis/ symptom.
Every cell in your body represents an electromagnetic unit. It is a result of a biochemical process which has a specific electromagnetic wave of an ideal frequency which is emitted from every single one. Both external & internal factors can effect these frequency changes and this is where the formation of disease occurs, by the changes in the biochemical processes.
Diseases are not as simple as one might think. It is not immediate and in actual fact, develops in 4 stages. Only Quantum Medicine devices can detect the second phase which is the energy phase, whereas laboratory exams will detect changes in phase 3, and in phase 4, the illness is already apparent.
As the old saying goes, “prevention is better than cure” and therefore preventing initial dysfunction in the first two phases would be the ultimate goal in Quantum Medicine, resulting in catching a disease or illness before it is too late.
What is the difference between Quantum & Conventional Medicine then?
Conventional medicine treats diseases, whereas Quantum Medicine on the other hand is focussed on the healthy state of the body. It deals with the system of self-regulation, self-healing and examines the body from health to sickness.
So How Does Dr Chris Walton PhD Do This Precision Testing?
Using the Biophotonic Signal Enhancer, each individual organ is tested. The signal enhancer allows one to see the biophotons which are emitted from every cell in your body but which are in fact, not visible to the naked eye.
Using this device, one is able to see whether the light emitted from each organ is emitted coherent light or incoherent light. The coherent light the end goal, however the incoherent light is indicative of disease, stress or illness that is manifesting and this allows us to pinpoint exactly where one should focus treatment.
This incredible little device, one can get direct feedback from that area of the body. It is placed within three different positions at each organ.
Firstly it is placed directly on the skin which tests one specific system of the body, secondly it is placed about 6 – 8 inches from the skin which actually tests further in the body or the light emissions around the cell or the cellular matrix, and lastly it is placed at a full arms length out which tests the light emissions at the intracellular matrix.
Isn’t it fascinating that one is able to get such intricate details about your body and yet it is not invasive and doesn’t involve such rigorous medical tests?
Having such a detailed response from the body really allows us to fine tune the body and reach such high levels of optimisation.
So How Can This Help You?
Athletes are able to use this to their fullest advantage. Their kryptonite is injury and getting left on the bench. Wouldn’t it be magnificent to catch the injuries before they happen, to get absolutely everything out of every training program you undertake and every supplement that you use?
So many sportsman rely on so many supplements but yet they have absolutely no idea whether they are making any impact at all. It is so easy to get despondent when you feel like nothing is working, that you are paying for extremely expensive trainers and yet you are always falling short.
These tests using Quantum Medicine and personalised protocols are guaranteed to increase your performance like no other. All those limitations, whether physical or subconscious are able to be tested, eliminated and cleared using these methods. Most of what is holding you back are things that are rooted in your subconscious.
That is where Doctor Peak Performance comes in.
Not only does Chris test the physical body, but he also tests the subconscious mind. Using a cutting edge system to optimise the mind and body to maximise energy, performance & success.
He also tests your subconscious mind to find and clear any subconscious blocks & limiting beliefs & therefore reprogramming your mind with your specific goals to take your performance to a whole new level.
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