Your organs and muscular system are encased with a kind of connective tissue called fascia. (See image below) This connective tissue fascia, when taken as a whole, is the largest organ of your body.
The molecules in this connective tissue network are structured in a highly regular parallel fashion. Molecules that have this type of structure are called ‘crystals’. We tend to think of crystals as hard things like diamonds or quartz, and we do not think of our bodies as having crystalline properties, but they actually do. When looked at under a microscope, these fascia structures reveal themselves to be soft, flexible liquid crystals, and we know from physics that crystalline structures are remarkable receivers of energy and information.
This is a crystalline structure that connects all parts of the body, making for a system-wide channel of communication. The information it carries is received not only from your cells, hormones and other biochemical substances, but also from your mind – your emotions, thoughts, perceptions and beliefs. It’s why we can say that the mind-body can be thought of not as two separate but connected systems, but as one seamless system.
As we have seen, our beliefs and perceptions are the basis for our thoughts and feelings. Our thoughts and feelings are waves of electromagnetic energy and information that permeate each and every cell in our mind-body system via this connective tissue crystalline matrix.
Cellular Biologist Dr Bruce Lipton explains;
“Every cell is a programmable chip, and the nucleus of the cell is the hard disk with programs. But, like a computer, it is the programmer that controls the disk, not the disk that controls the programmer.”
We are the programmers. These signals of our bodies work in a feedback loop with our brains, and both consciously and subconsciously govern our choices. Our choices, of course, drastically influence the condition of our lives.
The implications are immense.
The fascia is known as the living matrix and is a systems-wide communication network, linking our thoughts, emotions and beliefs with our body, and vice versa. The living matrix means that quite literally what we think and feel in large measure is what we become, as each of our 50 to 100 trillion cells receives and sends information at lightning speed throughout our mind-body, communicating with all other cells like a vast inner computer network.
Imagine having the ability to reach your desired outcomes in your sport. Imagine having being able to hack into your body and give yourself that competitive edge that people spend years searching for. Athletes spend YEARS training their bodies, trying to reach it’s absolute peak, but they are limited by their beliefs or subconscious mind. Such a huge percentage of an athlete’s success, is determined by their mindset.
Testing that belief system and testing the subconscious mind is integral in creating personalised protocols that enable an athlete to attain Peak Performance State. By using Quantum Science and performing these tests, it’s possible to find where the subconscious mind and body are working against each other or incoherently.
Therefore, an athlete’s greatest super power is having a subconscious mind and body that are in Peak Flow State, working together, in order to perform at the absolute best that is constantly required of a top athlete!
As esteemed physics Professor John Hagelin explains succinctly:
“It is important to recognise that our body is really the product of our thoughts, we are beginning to understand in medical science the degree to which the nature of our thoughts and emotions actually determine the physical substance and structure and function of our bodies.”
If thats not a good enough reason to update our belief systems and emotional reactions then i don’t know what is, what do you think?
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