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Over the last 20 years, Chris has tested thousands of people with muscle testing processes and over these 20 years, he has found these key blocks that stop us from being more successful, happier and reaching our true potential as athletes.

Athletes put an incredible amount of strain on their body, whether it be during physical training in preparation for competitions, or the intense mental drain that takes place by having to constantly perform at such an elite level.

With all the stress and pressure placed on these individuals, it is essential to minimise the risk of injury, prevent injury before it happens, remain focussed on the end goal, keep motivated, eat healthy and continually ensure your body is given every chance possible and every resource possible to perform at its absolute best.

It’s so important to have your entire physical body, as well as subconscious mind are heading in the same direction, without doubt or subconscious block to hinder you. It’s impossible to perform at your peak when your body is aiming for one thing but your mind is setting the limitations through fear, anxiety or procrastination.

Athletes have an incredible amount of pressure placed on them by their peers, managers, coaches, family, friends and society itself. There is a constant demand to be perfect, to never make a mistake and to continually uphold a certain standard. The immense weight of all this pressure can often take a serious toll on one’s performance, never mind that there is already the added self doubt and daily stressors of normal life.

On the outside, it may appear that these athletes have it all together, with a tough exterior and they often appear un-phased, but all these pressures can lead to self doubt that sneaks in or subconscious manifestations that they are not even aware of. This leads to the subconscious blocks that we’re talking about.

The key subconscious blocks that repeatedly pop up during Chris’ testing are:

1. The Underlying Belief About Change Itself.
2. Self-Doubt
3. Rapid Increase In Anxiety
4. Subconscious Blocks & Limiting Beliefs About Money
5. Fear of Failure
6. Blocks to Your Specific Goal Achievement
7. Procrastination

At the end of the day, it’s so important to eliminate these blocks that are holding you back, & getting rid of these limiting beliefs that prevent you from reaching your true potential. Your subconscious mind is an unbelievably powerful tool and once you learn how to clear these blocks and program the mind to work in a coherent fashion with the body, the limitations fall away and your true potential gets realised.

With the Quantum Science and the Precision Testing Chris does, he is able to pinpoint exactly what blocks are holding you back, and therefore help CLEAR these blocks. He is able to implement personal protocols to optimise the mind and body for peak performance. This is something that NOBODY else offers with such precision and personalisation. 

Give the video a watch below for a more detailed analysis on these 7 Key Subconscious blocks the effect they have on your Peak Performance.